Friday, December 4, 2009

Candlelight Christmas Concert at Holy Name

Went to watch Ate's concert last night at Holy Name. Got bored waiting for the show to start, so I explored downstairs. The show started with the chamber singers doing a Christmas song and a reading from the book of Isaiah, so I went with Daddy to explore upstairs where they keep the organ. When we came back down, my soprano sister, Ate, was doing her solo in Latin. It was mesmerizing! After she finished, I went down to check out the snacks. When I came back up, they were singing so sweetly and soothingly that I fell fast asleep in the back pew. I woke up for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, but then I passed out again. Ate D says I missed a great concert and party, but I had a sweet dream about some dinosaurs battling by the bay when the ground started shaking and Mt. Tam erupted and started spewing lava and volcanic ash everywhere! Today we had free dress, so I donned my Spiderman shirt and Spiderman pants. Mama dropped me off....along with my Spiderman lunchbag!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Feast

Today we killed the beast and ate our feast in Clubhouse. After a splendid repast, we told the Thanksgiving story about the Pilgrims from the Mayflower and the Indians who shared their food to help the Pilgrims survive the cold winter. Demetrius was chief of the tribe with a feather in his hat. Gianmarco's dad and my dad helped out in the morning. And nobody got a red card...amazing!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

There Be Dragons

Have you seen There Be Dragons yet? No? That's probably because it doesn't come out until next year. But...if you want a glimpse of this story about St. Josemaria, check . Just 2 more days until the ice cream social. I hope I can get a double-scoop! Larry the Crosswalk Guard stopped traffic for us this morning so Ate D and I could get across Southgate. I wonder who's going to be the first KB kid to have a birthday party...Demetrius? Kayla Mae? We'll see!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dungeons & Dragons & King Tut

Tonight I drew 13 dragons, but no dungeons. I didn't draw any gila monsters either. I went to church with Mommy and Ate Dee. We didn't work in the backyard because it was too foggy. Yesterday we painted, but some of the paint got washed away by the dense fog. After my steak and potatoes, I had a Hagen-Daaz ice cream bar. I'm almost finished putting my 100 piece dinosaur puzzle back together again. We watched Michael Jackson's Thriller video, and the Beatles Hello Goodbye video, along with I'm a Little Teapot on youtube. Tomorrow I'm going to draw more dragons and eat more honey roasted peanuts. Ate's finishing her homework on the Nile delta. She wants to go see the King Tut exhibit at the de Young museum.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Noah's Amazing Ark

We read Noah's Amazing Ark tonight, about how Noah, his family, and the animals survived the great deluge. We also read "Gentle Lamb", a story from the "Ready Readers" book that Richard gave me for my birthday. I picked up my AYSO uniform--black shorts, white jersey, and red socks (like that Bostonian baseball team). Owen tripped me today, but I forgave him and offered it up for the souls in purgatory. Ate wrote an article called "All Along the Hallway", and Ate D memorized her multiplication tables up to 12 times 12. Mommy's Netflix DVD arrived with a crack, so she had to watch the Korean drama on Daddy went to the back-to-school night and brought me back a cookie. Lolo stopped by last night to pick up some papers and practice his Tagalog with Mommy. Next week's the ice cream social!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

KB Rocks!!

My first week at OLM went by superfast! Mrs. Gotuaco kept us on the go, and my friend, Demitrius, and I had fun playing dinosaurs. We're in KB, and we're learning the pledge of allegiance and some vocal prayers. Today I read "Class Two Goes to the Zoo", where they all almost got eaten by a wandering anaconda, and "Once Upon a Starry Night", about some ancient myths about the constellations of the night sky. Yesterday I helped Daddy paint the house. I painted some dinosaurs and wooly mammoths on the side of the house. Soccer season is starting up soon. I still need to get my spikes and shin guards. Holy Mary, queen of victory, pray for us! We saw some fishermen, butterflies, ducks, and a leaping squirrel today on our walk by the bay. Tuesday I need to start keeping track of the books I read each month. Maybe I'll start with "Dinosaur Ghosts", about the discovery of a herd of Coelophysis dinosaurs that died mysteriously in New Mexico about 225 million years ago. Mommy's been watching "The Grand Chef", a Korean drama about the great grandson of the emperor's chef. The third CD should be arriving tomorrow. Uncle Tom leaves for Portugal on Tuesday. Hope he has a safe and fun trip!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Class of '09

I'm finally getting my PS degree on August 4th! Pre-school was tough, but I made it through. I'll miss Tiny Tots and all my old friends, Miss Judy, and the birds, fish and crabs. Picked up a new Transformer toy yesterday when I went to visit the king (Burger King, that is). Wish I could retire like Marty and Hazel, but Mommy says I have to start kindergarten next month. I helped Ate and Daddy to paint the fence yesterday. Now it's alligator green. I think I'll try to catch some lizards when we get to Palm Springs on Sunday. Maybe I'll find some Tyrannasaurus Rex bones in the desert. Stopped by the library yesterday to get a copy of "After the Dinosaurs". The last chapter on Homo Sapiens was interesting. Anyway, I need to get ready for graduation now. A, you're adorable, B, you're so beautiful...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sea Creatures

I updated my sea creatures picture to include a hippo. We saw some hippos swimming at the St. Louis zoo, and they looked pretty formidable. I've been busy drawing dinosaurs, too. I'm going to draw big, bad, baby Rex when I get some time.
I picked up my uniform for kindergarten after school on Saturday--white shirts, gray slacks, and red sweater. Last night I worked in the back yard, planting cherry trees, trimming the bushes, and catching rolly-pollies.
For Saturday's class, I need to find a picture of Daddy and think of some reasons why I wouldn't want to trade him in for a T-Rex, racing car, or a box full of cherries. Maybe I'll do that Daddy poem: I had a daddy, I had to have had, I love him whether he's good or bad. I love him whether he's alive or dead, whether he's an angel or a munchkinhead. Here's my word to the wise: don't swim with alligators. Peace.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cardinals Almost Win!

Last night I went to see the Cards play the Giants. First we had hotdogs and hamburgers on Parking Lot D with my Ate D, Ate, Mommy & Daddy, and the CYO gang. Next I played a little baseball in AT&T Park. After I hit the ball, I ran around the bases and back to home. Then we went down the slide in the giant Coca-Cola bottle beyond the bleachers. At the 7th inning stretch, we sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game", and then the Beatles' song, "Twist and Shout." I had some churros while I cheered for the Redbirds, but they came up with too little too late, and the Giants beat them, 4-2. I fell asleep in what would have been the bottom of the ninth.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Godspell this weekend

My sister's practicing for her solo in Godspell. It's a musical based on the gospel according to St. Matthew, but it has some scenes from St. Luke's gospel as well. Some guy came and fixed our dryer this morning. Mama made some fritters for me. Some giraffes got into a fight on Animal Planet. I wrote a few things in my journal today. Look's like sun tomorrow. I made Mommy a little wheelbarrel for Mother's Day. I hope she likes it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gateway to the West

Over the spring break we visited St. Louis, the gateway to the west. We rode the little egg-shaped elevator up to the top of the arch. We also took Grandma to the zoo, and we had some nice pork chops at Jim's, my dad's old Army buddy. We saw Jesse James' hideout, the Meramac Caverns. Uncle Tom helped usher in Easter over at St. Joseph's. Uncle Don showed us his log cabin on the lake over in House Springs. I bought a masarap loaf of cinnamon raisin bread over at the St. Louis Bread Company over on Delmar. I wish we could have stayed in St. Louis longer, but I didn't want miss my Tiny Tots class. It ended up that class was cancelled anyway because Miss Judy's husband died. We've been praying for Miss Judy and her family. I hope she comes back to Tiny Tot's soon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Grandma 'Zon

I'm at Grandma 'Zon's house today. She watches Kiley, Stella, and me during the day. We took Ate D to Westlake last night to get some new headbands at Claire's after her basketball practice. Also watched the DVD about bats last night. My favorite is the flying fox!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Easter Homework

Our assignment for Saturday is a picture related to the Easter holiday. Ate D gave me a nice painting of an Easter egg that I could use, but I think I'll color a picture of 100 eggs and bring that. Last night I typed the ABC's on the computer and printed it out. This morning I watched a laser disk about the construction of th St. Louis arch. I'm looking forward to going up in it next month when we go to visit Grandma!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tiny Tots

I love Tiny Tots Preschool! Miss Judy has taught me everything I know, or at least some things. I really enjoyed the St. Patrick's Day party last Saturday. I'm looking forward to the start of the spring session!