Sunday, August 30, 2009

KB Rocks!!

My first week at OLM went by superfast! Mrs. Gotuaco kept us on the go, and my friend, Demitrius, and I had fun playing dinosaurs. We're in KB, and we're learning the pledge of allegiance and some vocal prayers. Today I read "Class Two Goes to the Zoo", where they all almost got eaten by a wandering anaconda, and "Once Upon a Starry Night", about some ancient myths about the constellations of the night sky. Yesterday I helped Daddy paint the house. I painted some dinosaurs and wooly mammoths on the side of the house. Soccer season is starting up soon. I still need to get my spikes and shin guards. Holy Mary, queen of victory, pray for us! We saw some fishermen, butterflies, ducks, and a leaping squirrel today on our walk by the bay. Tuesday I need to start keeping track of the books I read each month. Maybe I'll start with "Dinosaur Ghosts", about the discovery of a herd of Coelophysis dinosaurs that died mysteriously in New Mexico about 225 million years ago. Mommy's been watching "The Grand Chef", a Korean drama about the great grandson of the emperor's chef. The third CD should be arriving tomorrow. Uncle Tom leaves for Portugal on Tuesday. Hope he has a safe and fun trip!

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