Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dungeons & Dragons & King Tut

Tonight I drew 13 dragons, but no dungeons. I didn't draw any gila monsters either. I went to church with Mommy and Ate Dee. We didn't work in the backyard because it was too foggy. Yesterday we painted, but some of the paint got washed away by the dense fog. After my steak and potatoes, I had a Hagen-Daaz ice cream bar. I'm almost finished putting my 100 piece dinosaur puzzle back together again. We watched Michael Jackson's Thriller video, and the Beatles Hello Goodbye video, along with I'm a Little Teapot on youtube. Tomorrow I'm going to draw more dragons and eat more honey roasted peanuts. Ate's finishing her homework on the Nile delta. She wants to go see the King Tut exhibit at the de Young museum.

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