Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tropical Storm Alex Strikes Kansas!

We left St. Louis in the sunshine, but it started clouding up before we hit Kansas City. Crossing into Kansas, we met Alex, but it wasn't Ate Dee's friend in Colorado Springs. It was tropical storm Alex, rampaging up from the Gulf of Mexico. The big drops of rain started splashing on the windshield, a few at first, and then by the bucket! Luckily we survived the wettest hour of our sojourn so far, and we made it back to the land of sunshine. Remember when it was raining salt? That would be something, wouldn't it? Thankful that we survived Alex, Daddy pulled over in Walker, Kansas to say a prayer at St. Anne's, but it was locked. We were praying at a little shrine on the side, when an old man came with a key and said he just got back to town. He opened the church for us, and we said our prayers, and continued our trip. Did you know my sister gave my other sister a haircut today (Aug. 15, 2010)? It looks nice! Anyway, we made it to Salina, Kansas, where we spent the night. I'll tell you about Tuesday's trip to Colorado and the road through nowhere land tomorrow, if I can find the time. Maybe after Dinosaur Train but before Spongebob. Ciao for now!

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