Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Riding Thru a Nowhere Land

So after watching Dinosaur Train at breakfast, we piled back in the van and headed toward Colorado Springs. Most normal people would probably stick to highway 70, but Daddy wanted to take the road less travelled (albeit the straightest), so we got onto highway 40, a narrow road with little to see but fields, a few cows, land, and more land. We seemed to drive for days without seeing any signs of life, but in the distance we began to see some tiny mountains, which grew larger as the hours passed. In the middle of nowhere land, we bought some gas and I played a racing video game, where I crashed about 50 times, but kept on driving until I reached the finish line. Finally, we arrived back at Aunt Janet's. She still had the elephant puppet that I picked up for her in Wyoming. Then...the highlight of my vacation, Aunt Janet gave me a dinosaur quilt that she had made for me while I was gallivanting around the midwest!!! It was the best present I ever received...I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it! Needless to say, I was in a fine mood while every one enjoyed the barbeque. We met Alex and Carson's mom, who had been away in Vermont when we were in Colorado earlier. Ate and Daddy climbed up Aunt Janet's backyard to see what they could see. There was no sign of Adolph or the other deer, but they had a nice view of the gathering storm off to the west in the Rockies. While I was dozing off, I think I heard Uncle Michael explaining to Ate why it wasn't a good idea for her to become a psychologist, but that might just be a dream. When rosy-fingered Dawn woke me in the morning, I hugged my dinosaur quilt, then had a wonderful breakfast, and we bravely strapped ourselves into the van and headed up 25 to highway 287, another less traveled and wet road thru The Buttes (population 31) and on to Laramie, Wyoming, where the sun reappeared for us. Netflix sent us Furry Vengeance, so I'm sorry but I've got to go. Maybe you could put on some Sgt. Pepper while you're waiting for the final episode of my saga thru the west. Adieu!

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