Monday, August 23, 2010

Paleontologist or Radiologist

I can't believe there's only one day of summer vacation left...where does the time go? I hope I'm in 1A this year. That would make it easy for me to get to's right next door! I'm hoping I can get Aaron to sign up for AYSO this year. It's so fun to get out there and kick some just have to be careful you don't trip over one of those gopher holes. I still can't decide whether to be a paleontologist or a radiologist. I guess I could specialize in CT scans of prehistoric bones...there are so many options! Sometimes it's hard to decide...Burger King or McDonald's? The Giants or the Cardinals? Rocky Road or sherbert? Anyway, condolences to Abee and Leander, who lost their grandma recently...well, they didn't lose her lose her...she passed away to that great Disneyland in the sky. Tomorrow's her funeral mass...may she rest in eternal peace and joy!

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