Thursday, August 19, 2010

California, Here I Come!

We were pretty much able to keep the clouds south of us as we travelled west thru Wyoming and Utah. We stopped at Travel America to quench the van's thirst for gas, buy a few gifts, and get some ice cream. We passed the anti-snow drift fences and some cows, and that pipe sticking out of the ground with the flame coming out the top. We passed a lake with some boats, passed Sinclair and all the other exits. Mr. Squiggles and I expected to be exiting at Salt Lake City, but Daddy surprised us by exiting at Park City, where the rest of our family had vacationed before I was born, a long, long time ago. We pulled into the Waldorf-Astoria, which only had valet parking. The lobby was really nice, with some deer statues and a large fireplace. Our room was amazing...a big, modern kitchen, big dining table, Philips TVs (even in the bathroom), fireplaces, jacuzzi, etc. Outside our patio was a large bonfire, like the fire at the opening of the Olympics. It was hands-down the nicest hotel we had stayed at. While it was still sunny, we headed over to Main St., where Ate Dee and Ate reminisced about the last time they were here, and we took a picture with the grizzly bear sitting on the bench. We had dinner at the Saigon restaurant where we noticed the workers were speaking Tagalog. After we got back to the hotel, we all went for a swim. The pool was so beautiful and peaceful until I started doing my cannonballs! The water was warm, but when I got out to go to the hot tub, the air was chilly. We also checked out the workout room where Mommy and Daddy did the treadmill. In the morning, we had a wonderful breakast with so many antlered skulls hanging on the wall. I wasn't too fond of the Irish oatmeal, so the waiter and his assistant brought me some delicious Belgian waffles that were to die for. The fresh squeezed orange juice was great; it was too bad we had to hurry and leave and spend the next 12 hours driving across the deserts of Utah and Nevada before crossing the mountains at Tahoe to get back home to our little house by the ocean. If it wasn't for Mommy's upcoming birthday and the upcoming Paul McCartney concert at AT&T Park, we could have taken our time and maybe even have stopped by the Grand Canyon to stand in awe of nature once again, but that wasn't to be. It was dark when we got home, but Mama had cooked some nice food for us, and we showed her my dinosaur blanket and told her what a great time we had had traveling to Aunt Janet's, Chicago, and down to St. Louis to see Grandma and my Uncle Don, Uncle Tom, Uncle Bill and Aunt Judy. I can't believe school's starting next Wednesday. If only I could be like Phineas and Ferb, and have it be summer forever, and never be hungry, and never get old and gray. Anyway, start spreading the news...first grade here I come!

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