Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ascent of the Sears Tower (aka Willis Watchtower)

Now where was I...oh, yeah! We passed the Taste of Chicago, and I caught me first glimpse of dinosaurs, a banner covering the front of the Field Museum, where they house all the dinosaurs. I tried to get confirmation from Daddy that we'd be going there, but he would neither affirm nor deny. Finally, we made it to the parking lot behind the Sears Tower, found the entrance for the skydeck, paid our money, passed the Arch image, waited, got in the elevator, waited, then someone pressed the right button, and we catapulted to the top of the Sears Tower, where I picked up Mr. Squiggles, who's normally blue, but lights up in various colors when you squeeze him just so. Towards the east we saw Lake Michigan again, to the north we saw Northwestern and the Luneta look-alike, and on the west side we found the ledge! I ventured to the edge of the ledge, which was closer to it than my dad was, and after seeing that no one was plummeting to their death, I moved totally onto the glass floor, 1300 feet above the tiny cars and people below. It looked like maybe I could land in the Chicago River, but I didn't want to take a chance. Eventually everyone dared to stand on the ledge, even Ate, then we moved to the other ledge to pose for a family photo. Finally, I got everyone out of the tower and into the Field Museum, where we quickly purchased a family membership and went to see Sue, their prehistoric T-Rex, looming in the lobby. We saw more dinosaurs than I had ever seen, watched the 3-D movie, and headed to the southside to see Daddy's business school at the University of Chicago. Singing "All My Loving" along with the Beatles as we drove along the midway, we finally made it to the freeway and headed south to St. Louis. We stopped at the Love's/McDonalds for gas and a hotdog, then drove thru the darkness, passing the Arch and konking out at Uncle Tom's cabin, I mean, house. Excuse me, I need to go rest my fingers for a bit.

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